- Dynamic IP Update (only for A/AAAA/A6/NS) :
To perform a dynamic update of a hostname, you just have to make a http request.
Default syntax : http://www.prout.be/dns/upd.php?user=USER&pwd=PASS&host=HOST1,HOST2 You can also use a $key instead of $user and $pwd : http://www.prout.be/dns/upd.php?key=KEY&host=HOST1,HOST2 (You can get/change your key in the User Area)
If you want to update all your hostnames at one time, use the syntax : &host=all Your IP address is automaticaly detected. However, if you want to specify another IP, you can use the syntax : &ip=IPADDRESS You can also use an extra &mx= variable (only for A hostnames) : &mx= : only update ip (default) &mx=0 : update ip + disable mx &mx=1 : update ip + enable/update mx &mx=2 : only enable/update mx &mx=3 : only disable mx
- Clients :
There are several clients which are compatible with us.
Try google to find one. :)